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Elder Relationship Service

In 2016 RA Tas conducted a pilot of the Elder Relationship Service. This service was designed to assist older people and their families to prevent or resolve family conflict, and to prevent situations where there was potential for elder abuse.

Following a successful trial, which ran for 12 months in Launceston and other sites around Australia, RA Tas evaluated the program and found that participants who engaged with the service reported an overall improvement in knowledge and awareness of services and supports, that they could better communicate with family members and felt more satisfied with their level of safety and overall wellbeing.

…RA Tas continued to receive referrals from Advocacy Tasmania’s Elder Abuse Helpline and other community stakeholders, which suggested a strong demand for the service.

Since the pilot program, RA Tas continued to receive referrals from Advocacy Tasmania’s Elder Abuse Helpline and other community stakeholders, which suggested a strong demand for the service.

Through an MOU with Advocacy Tas, RA Tas was able to continue to offer the service in a state-wide, although unfunded, capacity.

In 2020, through a Community Wellbeing Program funding round provided by the Tasmanian Community Fund, RA Tas secured 3 years of funding to deliver an Elder Relationship Service, providing a mediation and counselling support service to Tasmanians aged 65 years and over, who are at risk of experiencing elder abuse.

Additionally, where potential abuse is linked to mental health or financial issues, RA Tas is positioned to support both the person accessing the service and the perpetrator to access much needed services.

Our strategic plan, with its focus on enriching the lives of our clients by supporting the development of healthy, supportive relationships, means RA Tas is well suited to deliver these services.

RA Tas is committed to walking the talk, whereby we proudly and consistently model our values to ensure that we meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.

RA Tas is committed to walking the talk, whereby we proudly and consistently model our values to ensure that we meet and exceed our clients’ expectations. At a time when Tasmania has Australia’s fastest growing, aged population, the Elder Relationship Service is timely in supporting increased resilience in this significant population group.