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Gender Equity Champions Group

RA Tas is committed to gender equity and preventing violence against women and children.

As an organisation, we have policies, procedures, practice systems and processes that demonstrate our intolerance towards violence against women and children. We embed gender equity in our recruitment, remuneration and promotional process, and men and women utilize flexible work options without penalty.

The Gender Equity Champions Group is a committee of 14 members from across all working areas of RA Tas.

The Gender Equity Champions Group (GECG) is a committee of 14 members from across all working areas of RA Tas. Over the past 12 months, the GECG have surveyed staff against the ‘Our Watch Respect and Equality Standards’ to gather feedback to identify the most critical areas for the GECG to focus their work.

Overall, the feedback provided was mostly positive. The committee noted the opportunities for improvement by creating a ‘Plan on a Page’ which is a one-page document that is used to guide the priorities of work.

The actions proposed by the committee as part of the ‘Plan on a Page’ document were to:

  • Promote gender equity through position descriptions, advertisements, interviewing and the induction process
  • Identify workplace safe spaces
  • Identify awareness days and include staff engagement
  • Create a communications plan
  • Ensure all staff know their rights and are using flexible and supportive work practices

The committee continues to meet to plan and progress actions to make improvements in our workplace to be active in preventing violence against women and children, and to be more inclusive of all Tasmanians.