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Takata Nipaluna (walking Hobart) Tour, Guided by Nunami Sculthorpe-Green
Takata Nipaluna (walking Hobart) Tour, Guided by Nunami Sculthorpe-Green

Walking Together Committee

This year the RA Tas Walking Together committee has made substantial progress in bringing to life the Walking Together ‘Plan on a Page’, which describes how we are putting our commitment to the Tasmanian Aboriginal community into action.

Throughout 2021 – 22, the committee included members of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community to present a traditional Welcome to Country at meetings, events and conferences hosted by RA Tas. This year, Auntie Cheryl Mundy delivered a heartfelt Welcome to Country at both the Staff Conference and the Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Network Forum.

National Sorry Day Presentation

The Staff Conference included a keynote address from Nala Mansell. Nala is a proud Palawa woman who is dedicated to enhancing the rights, culture and the betterment of Aboriginal people in lutruwita/Tasmania. Nala talked about identity and truth telling in Aboriginal communities, and shared key information around current areas of advocacy that the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre is focussing on.

[Nala] shared key information around current areas of advocacy that the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre is focussing on.

Additionally, several staff participated in the Takata Nipaluna (walking Hobart) tour, guided by Nunami Sculthorpe-Green. The walk follows the route taken in 1832 by a group of 40 members of the Aboriginal resistance as they progress to the old Government House to negotiate an end to the Black War.

For Reconciliation Week, we hosted a virtual event with all staff focussing on Sorry Day. Staff were provided with information around the impact of forced removals of Aboriginal children and the historical reasons provided for this atrocious activity.

RA Tas staff participated in the Takata Nipaluna (walking Hobart) Tour

Consultations have also occurred with staff to implement a First Nations Cultural Engagement Policy, which would mean that we would not observe the Invasion Day/Australia Day holiday on January 26th.

Not only is there the Walking Together Committee, but RA Tas is also a part of the Relationships Australia Indigenous Network (RAIN). This network meets bi-monthly and focusses on changes that can be made nationally around educating and accommodating staff that are part of the Aboriginal community. Currently on the agenda for RAIN is releasing a cultural fitness package tailored to the lands upon which the training is delivered. The next meeting will be held in November 2022.