
Outreach in the Circular Head Community

Here for all Tasmanians

There are many Tasmanians who call rural and remote communities home. Issues related to distance and isolation mean that rural and remote communities often have a different set of challenges to people in major cities, especially in relation to accessing suitable support and services.

Situated on the far North West coast, the municipal area of Circular Head is one of the most remote areas in Tasmania. Relationships Australia Tasmania (RA Tas) services communities such as Circular Head through outreach services, providing opportunities for Tasmanians to access the support they need when they need it.

RA Tas provides outreach services to the Circular Head Community from the Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation (CHAC). This is a program funded by the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services to provide vital mental health support to community members. Clients commonly address and gain support for relationships, family breakdown and drug and alcohol use, through the CHAC outreach service.

 A united and informed network of service providers in Circular Head creates a comprehensive network of support, ensuring the geographical challenges faced by the community does not hinder their ability to access meaningful professional support. – RA Tas CHAC Outreach Counsellor

Practitioners recognise that a core determinant of the success of outreach services is due to the strong relationships built with not only clients but also other allied health professionals and referral partners in the area. Strong relationships with the CHAC Medical Centre generate the majority of referrals to the program.

Outreach is offered at no cost to the community, ensuring income and the financial situation of residents do not exclude them from benefiting from this service. Outreach continues to strengthen and enhance the relationships and wellbeing of clients, ensuring the limited means and capabilities some residents face in accessing services, does not contribute to the social exclusion and loneliness often experienced by remote and rural communities.

Outreach continues to strengthen and enhance the relationships and wellbeing of clients.